Virtual One-on-One Training

Virtual one-on-one personal training offers a tailored approach to fitness, combining
personalized guidance with the convenience of remote access. We will begin with an in-depth consultation, where we will discuss your fitness history, goals, and your specific considerations. This personalized approach allows me to gain insight into your unique requirements, enabling me to customize a training plan that aligns with your objectives, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, athletic performance, or overall wellness.

Engaging in virtual one-on-one personal training provides you with the opportunity to participate in live training sessions with me. These sessions are conducted in real time, allowing for direct interaction with you, as I guide you through your workouts, provide feedback on form and technique, and offer motivation and support. The virtual setting ensures that you receive personalized attention and accountability, fostering a dynamic and engaging training experience.

One of the notable benefits of virtual one-on-one personal training is the flexibility it offers. With no geographical constraints, you have the freedom to engage in training sessions from the comfort of your own home or any location of your choice. This level of accessibility eliminates travel time and scheduling conflicts, making it easier to prioritize and maintain your fitness routine within your daily life.

Virtual one-on-one training will provide you with ongoing support, encouragement, and
accountability. We can both track your progress and I will provide nutrition guidance, and address any challenges or questions you may have along the way. This personalized support system empowers you to stay motivated and committed to your fitness journey, ultimately increasing your chances of long-term

Start today and experience the benefits personally!

What's included with virtual one-on-one training?

Here's what you'll get with virtual coaching:

You will have access to your own account on my app and online portal.

You will be able to track your body metrics, workout progress and nutrition tracking as well.

Your one-on-one coaching will include 4 weeks of custom programming to compliment your goals. I do recommend a 8-12 week commitment to help you reach your goals.

You will receive 4 weeks of custom training that will include 5 training splits each week.

You will receive weekly check-ins to discuss your results for the week and to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Your workouts will be loaded to your calendar with demo videos for each exercise.

You will receive nutritional guidance with a meal plan to help you reach both your nutrition and fitness goals.

At the end of each 4 week training program, we will schedule a virtual call to discuss your monthly progress and prepare you for the next session of your training.

You will still have access to me via text within the app anytime.

How much is much is Virtual One-on-One Training?

Monthly Cost for Virtual Training

Virtual Training is $400 per month.

You can cancel with a 30 day written notice.

Custom Online Training

Custom Training gives you tailored workouts to fit your schedule and life. These workouts aim to address your distinctive needs, to help you progress towards your desired results. In addition to workouts, custom coaching also provides guidance with nutrition and meals, along with goal and habit tracking, ensuring a holistic approach to your fitness journey.

Once you complete the registration process, I will schedule a virtual meeting with you, to discuss your specific goals, fitness and health history and what our plan of action will be. You will have access to me anytime, via text within the app. We will also schedule weekly check-ins, to go over your results, questions, concerns, etc.

Custom training requires you to commit to the work and invest in yourself. You'll have to focus and stay consistent with your training, in order to get the results you want. My goal is to support your pursuit of fitness, health and happiness, empowering you to love yourself holistically, inside and outside.

Click the button below to get started!

What's included with custom online coaching?

Here's what you'll get with custom coaching:

You will have access to your own account on my app and online portal.

You will be able to track your body metrics, workout progress and nutrition tracking as well.

Your one-on-one coaching will include 4 weeks of custom programming to compliment your goals. I do recommend a 8-12 week commitment to help you reach your goals.

You will receive 4 weeks of custom training that will include 5 training splits each week.

You will receive weekly check-ins to discuss your results for the week and to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Your workouts will be loaded to your calendar with demo videos for each exercise.

You will receive nutritional guidance with a meal plan to help you reach both your nutrition and fitness goals.

At the end of each 4 week training program, we will schedule a virtual call to discuss your monthly progress and prepare you for the next session of your training.

You will still have access to me via text within the app anytime.

How much is Custom 1-on-1 Coaching?

Monthly Cost for Custom Coaching

Custom coaching is $250 per month.

You can cancel with a 30 day written notice.

What equipment will I need?

At-Home workout

one set of dumbbells

one lower body band (booty band)

one long resistance band

jump rope

Gym workout

free weights


cable machines

resistance bands (long and body/booty bands)

medicine ball

exercise/yoga ball

bosu ball


additional basic gym equipment

Online Group Training

My online group training offers a holistic approach to your fitness experience right at your fingertips. If you enjoy working out from home or any space you choose, then online training is what you're looking for. I accept a specific number of clients for each program, so I can stay in sync with my clients. This is Group training and the program changes each month. Click the button below to join this month's program. If you missed the current month's training program, click the button, to be added to the waitlist for next month's training. Let's re-define fitness and health for women, on our terms. Click the button below!

What's included with Group Training?

You will have access to my online platform and mobile app which includes:

  • access to your own account
  • upload your progress pictures each week
  • track your workout progress, weights, body metrics, etc.
  • create your own meals and track your meals
  • private texting with me throughout the program
  • track your personal achievements, goals, milestones, etc.
  • access to our private online community
  • sample meal plans available
  • supplement recommendations with discounts
  • workout schedule on your calendar
  • demo videos for all exercises
  • optional virtual workout (1 per week)

You can cancel anytime, once your monthly program has ended.

Embrace the here and now, and let your fitness and health take center stage!